Justin Risley is an award-winning photographer and filmmaker living in Tucson, Arizona. His work focuses on travel, climate, politics, biking, and the built environment and its people. His obsession with anthropogenic behavior is consistent in his work.
Justin has independently created photographs and films since the age of 10. At the dawn of Youtube in 2007, he made a channel and has been making visual content ever since. He has experimented with various styles and genres through the years, ultimately leading him to documentary and photojournalism. He studied Journalism and Sustainable Community Development at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Justin has spent time learning small-scale agriculture and gardening. Currently, he is working in Tucson, Arizona at the non-profit seed conservation, Native Seeds/SEARCH.
Solo Exhibitions:
“WANDER: Excerpts from Asia", UMass Amherst International Programs Office, Amherst, MA, 2019
Yucca Valley Film Festival: “2021 Winners of the YVFF”, 2021
Yucca Valley Film Festival: “Art Photography & Art Films Panel”, 2021
UMass Amherst News & Media Relations: "Undergrad Sustainability Research Award-winner Asks, ‘Water We Doing?’”, 2019